Marriage Counseling

Not all couples and families are the same. Hence, not all therapy needs to be the same. While I offer open ended therapy for couples and families dealing with unique issues, I also offer a structured approach to therapy to coach couples experiencing issues that are common to most couples. What that means is I will follow a structured protocol for conducting the sessions. For most structured counseling the number of sessions range from 8-20 sessions, depending on the form and focus of the counseling and your ability to complete the homework assignments between sessions. Each structured counseling program will take place one session per week for the number of sessions indicated or number of sessions required. Structured counseling programs are approapriate for most couples and families who are not locked in a gridlock of conflict.

The fee for these counseling programs are $85 per session. The first session is 90 minutes and the following sessions last for 50 minutes: a short term investment for long term results. I accept some forms of insurance, so check with me to see whether your insurance will cover these sessions. Below I describe the various structured approaches, the format that we take, and the estimated number of sessions.

Marriage Counseling Approaches

Subject: Hold Me Tight

Deepening Emotional Connection
"Hold Me Tight" by Dr. Susan Johnson
These session titles represent the approximate focus of each session.
Each couple or family's sessions may vary.
Each session will have homework assignments, the completion of which will
effect the overall number of session.

Session 1:
Getting Acquainted
Session 2:
2 x 30 minute Individual Sessions
Session 3:
Recognizing the deamon dialogues that trip you up
Session 4:
Finding the raw spots that keep your dialogues recycling
Session 5:
Revisiting a rocky moment from a recent incident
Session 6:
Hold me tight - engaging at the emotional level and connecting
Session 7:
Forgiving past injuries
Session 8:
Reinforcing forgiveness
Session 9:
Bonding through physical affection and touch
Session 10:
Keeping love alive

Subject: Forgiveness

Forgiveness of an offense that you're having difficulty letting go of
This program is available in a Christian as well as a secular format
"Aa Christian Forgiveness Field Guide" workbook by Dr. Ron Ramsey
These session titles represent the approximate focus of each session.
Each couple or family's sessions may vary.
Each session will have homework assignments, the completion of which will
effect the overall number of session.

Session 1:
Getting Acquainted
Session 2:
2 x 30 minute Individual Sessions
Session 3-5:
Uncovering what you're holding on to
Session 6-8:
Decision to forgive in context
Session 9-11:
Working on letting go
Session 12-13:
Emotional Deepening
Session 14:
Reinforcing your progress

Subject: Marriage Tune-up

To provide coaching for couples wanting to deepen their relationship
by firming up the skills they already have to connect and communicate
and by introducing new ways to enrich your relationship. A Christian version
is available upon request.
"The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work" by John Gottman & Nan Silver
8-10 Depending on your ability to complete the homework assignments between sessions.


Session 1:
Getting Acquainted and Mapping the Terrain of you Hearts
Session 2:
Turning Conflict Into Connection
Session 3:
Discovering Deamon Dialogues
Session 4:
The Dance of Love
Session 5:
Untying the Knots
Session 6:
Steering Around Traffic Jams
Session 7:
Sharing the Vision
Session 8:
Together Forever

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